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Management Elements of Economic Crisis in Romania and Europe
Augustin Semenescu
The starting point of the paper is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept. The CSR concept involves the treatment of social and environmental issues as part of economic and financial management of Corporations. The Sustainable Development (SD) concept is also analyzed in direct correlation with the CSR concept. The SD concept involves the implementation of theoretical and practical components for taking decisions in any situation in a man-type medium, be it the environment, economic or social features. The Corporations (qualitative and quantitative level of trade) can promote the concept of Sustainable Development. The goals of sustainable development include the harmonization of the economic, social services and environmental targets. In the article, we present and analyse important correlations such as: social services effective austerity economic crisis, sustainable development social services. Also, in this article we define and analyze new concepts, such as: Ambient ...
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Strategic Development Prospects for the Labor Market in Romania, as Introduced by the Europe 2020 Strategy
Cristina G . Lincaru
Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2010
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The Effects Induced by the Recent Economic Crisis on the Labour Market Policies in Romania
Cristian Incaltarau
The recent financial crisis has reanimated the old dispute between economic efficiency and social solidarity upholders. On the one hand, the contraction of economic activity has reduced government revenues. On the other hand, the redundant population has increased, emphasizing the vulnerability of population and putting additional pressure on social policies expenditure. If the spending on labour market policies was showing a downward trend during the pre-crisis period, it has suddenly increased during the crisis, focusing mainly on passive policies consisting in financial assistance. These kind of policies do not have the strength to solve the problems the Romanian labour market is facing for many years now and that have currently been enlarged by the recent crisis, but only to keep them latent and preventing them to feed up social pressure. Therefore, this paper aims to outline a broader view on Romanian labour market, on the problems it’s facing, on the effects induced by the recent crisis, in order to offer some recommendations for the policies addressing these problems.
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Economic and Social Challenges in a Global Environment. Labour Market Changes in Romania. Factors, Causes, Adjustment Mechanisms
Valentina Vasile, Valeriu Ioan-Franc
The reform of labour market and the modification of the human capital management model evolved unsteadily, much behind the demand from the economic and social environment. Labour market was pushed to a secondary plane, considering that the adjustment of the other markets would cause necessary changes for ensuring the functioning of the labour market. Now, Romania is involved in consolidating
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Employment Strategy for Poverty Reduction. A Romanian Perspective
Maria-Ana Georgescu
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
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Performances of the Policy of Industrial Competitiveness in Romania, in the European Context
Dalina Andrei
This communication aims briefly describing Romanian industry and corresponding Government policy about in this vicinity of these two decades. Or, this is a real mixture between old and obsolete aspects and new imperatives of restructuring. The last’s basing concepts were really unknown around just two decades earlier. There was (and probably still is) to talk about long inertia and reticence about settling an industrial policy, but either foreign investors’ support was rather missing in such respect. Besides, there is an economic crisis all over unexpected to currently face. Romanian Government looks hardworking, but not always successfully performing face to such a complex of facts. It might rather be just one part of the issue.
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Romeo Ionescu
The paper deals with the analysis of the Europe 2020 Strategy's goals related to labor resources, taking into account four indicators: employment rate, early leavers from education and training, tertiary educational attainment and people at risk of poverty or social exclusion. The analysis is built on three steps: a comparative analysis between EU28 average and Romania during 2000-2014, a regression analysis under ANOVA restrictions and a forecast analysis until 2020 under ARIMA method, using SPSS19 software. Whole analysis and all conclusions are supported by pertinent statistical tables and diagrams. These diagrams are based on the latest official statistic data. The main conclusion of the paper is that Europe 2020 Strategy's goals are far away of achieving in 2020. Moreover, the socioeconomic disparities will remain in 2020 raising doubts about the Cohesion Policy. JEL Classification: R10, R11, R12. Keywords: employment rate, early leavers from education and training, tertiary educational attainment, risk of poverty, economic forecast.
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Romeo Ionescu
The paper deals with the analysis of the Europe 2020 Strategy " s goals related to labour resources, taking into account four indicators: employment rate, early leavers from education and training, tertiary educational attainment and people at risk of poverty or social exclusion. The analysis is built on three steps: a comparative analysis between EU28 average and Romania during 2000-2014, a regression analysis under ANOVA restrictions and a forecast analysis until 2020 under ARIMA method, using SPSS19 software. Whole analysis and all conclusions are supported by pertinent statistical tables and diagrams. These diagrams are based on the latest official statistic data. The main conclusion of the paper is that Europe 2020 Strategy " s goals are far away of achieving in 2020. Moreover, the socioeconomic disparities will remain in 2020 raising doubts about the Cohesion Policy.
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Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Romania in the European Context – Europe 2020
cristina pirlog
This article is an analysis of how the overall Romania targets relate to EU development strategy Europe 2020 on each of the five major objectives set by the European Commission. The main objective of this document is to study development indicators presented by our country by 2013 compared to those assumed by the other EU countries. Based on this analysis and Relating to the observations and recommendations made by the EU for 2015 will pursue active management plans to achieve the 2020 targets set by Romania on the five major objectives of development. According to data available on 15 March 2014 and presented in the National Reform Programme 2014 of the Government Romania's chances to reach the targets are quite low, reducing the difference between the current and proposed situation may be possible through the development of a management focused on strategic diagnostics of each target both internally and externally its environment.
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The Evolution of the Romanian Economy. Past Experiences and Reactions to the Current Crisis
Mihai Roman, Zizi Goschin, 2005
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