Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (2024)

Previously, we wrote about how to sign in to Telemetrio and add your channel to the catalog. If you want to receive detailed analytics of your channel or check other channels — read the material here.

After adding your channel to the catalog — verify it and gain access to manage your channel grid. This will allow you to tailor the channel to your goals and analyze its audience with detailed analytics.

How to do it? Watch the video guide or read the step-by-step instruction.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (2)

Step №1: Go to the “My Channels” page

On the main page of the service, click on the avatar of the personal cabinet, then on the “My Channels” tab. If there is no such tab — sign in to the service. For this, read the article “Authorization on the service”.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (3)

To verify the channel, you need to add it to Telemetrio. For this, click “Add Channel”.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (4)

Step №2: Enter the channel link

Go to your channel and copy its username or link. Make sure they work: you can check the link through a browser, and the username in the search in Telegram.

If everything works, enter the link in the search bar. Click “Next”.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (5)

Confirm that you are the administrator of the channel — in the window with the question, click “Yes”.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (6)

Step №3: Choose one of the two types of verification

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (7)

Type №1: Verification and additional analytics

Verify the channel and get additional analytics — attract the attention of new advertisers. You will be able to:

  • Change the category, geo, and language of the channel
  • Hide posts
  • Remove your channel from Telemetrio
  • Learn more about the gender and language of the audience
  • Find out how many subscribers have premium accounts, avatars, turned off notifications
  • Check the duration of subscriptions of readers to your channel
  • Explore the sources of views

Type№2: Channel Verification

With this type, you confirm that you are the administrator of the channel and receive the corresponding verification label. This way, you will be able to:

  • Change the category, geo, and language of the channel
  • Hide posts
  • Remove your channel from Telemetrio

Choose one of the two types of verification and click “Next”.

Step №4: Add the bot to the channel

We collect and show analytics using the telegram bot — @telemetr_io_bot. That’s why you need to add it to the administrators of your channel. It won’t be able to change the channel, publish content, delete subscribers, etc. It can only collect analytics. So your channel remains completely safe.

How to do it:

  • Click the button offered by the service and copy the bot’s link;
  • Go to the channel settings;
  • Add the bot to the list of administrators;
  • Return to the Telemetrio page and click “Next”.
Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (8)

Step №5: Grant rights to the bot

If you chose the second type of verification, you will be directed to the cabinet with analytics. Here you will see detailed information and data that will help in the development of the channel.

If you chose the first type “Verification and additional analytics” — set up the bot’s rights. This way, we will be able to collect detailed analytics about the audience of your channel. Therefore, grant the bot the following rights:

  • Manage messages;
  • Add members;
  • Add new admins.

Have you granted the necessary rights? Click the “Next” button at the bottom.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (9)

Our bot will add an additional user (userBot) to the administrators. This is a technical necessity to obtain data. Of course, our bot won’t publish anything or change channel settings.

Step 6: Configure the channel

Now your channel is verified and added to the cabinet. Here you can gather a grid of all your channels and analyze their activity:

  • the total number of subscribers;
  • growth in channels;
  • average views per post.
Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (10)

Also here, you can set up your channel for display on the service:

  • Content category of the channel. Telemetrio has 40+ categories — you will definitely find the one that suits you best.
  • Location or geo targeted by the channel. Here you can specify the country that the channel targets for attracting and informing the audience. This way you can find out where the channel’s audience comes from.
  • Language in which the content is published on the channel. This is the language in which the audience reads and communicates.

Also here, you can remove the channel from the cabinet if you have stopped managing it.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (11)

Verification of the channel on Telemetrio — is a step towards development. With us, you will be able to get information about the audience, statistics, subscriber growth, and much more. Verify your channel today via the link.

Channel verification and settings on Telemetrio (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.